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How much can you save with solar PV

What is the average saving in £ per household in the UK by installing solar pv?

How much can you save with solar PV

The average savings per household in the UK by installing solar PV can vary widely depending on factors such as the size of the system, energy consumption patterns, and local solar resources. It is challenging to provide an exact average figure as it depends on numerous variables. However, we can provide a rough estimate based on available data.

According to the Energy Saving Trust, a typical 4 kWp (kilowatt peak) solar PV system in the UK can generate around 3,800 kWh (kilowatt-hours) of electricity annually. Assuming a conservative electricity price of 15 pence per kWh, the annual savings on electricity bills would be approximately £570.

Please note that this estimate is based on general assumptions and does not account for regional variations in solar resources, energy usage patterns, or individual circumstances. Additionally, it does not consider the upfront cost of installing the solar PV system, maintenance expenses, or potential income from feed-in tariffs or smart export guarantees.

To obtain a more accurate estimate of potential savings, it is advisable to consult with solar installers who can assess your specific situation, including factors such as roof orientation, shading, and energy consumption. We can provide detailed financial projections and help determine the potential savings you may achieve by installing a solar PV system.

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